Griff flics

“Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, I make it happen.”- Henry Griff

Taken outside the Oratory cafeteria.

  1. I chose these two foods because I felt that I could make two really good photos with them. The mango drink because the orange drops really popped out with the darker background. The Starbucks because the color of it was the main focus in the photo and really popped out.

2. In the first photo the main point of light came from the sun. The sun was covered by the building mostly giving it the area we were in a darker shadow making it pop out more. The second one the main source of light was a light it was taken in the middle of the day and the light color really balanced out with the color of the food.

3. The first photo would be symmetry because the drops of mango juice are on each side of the photo. On the right side they start off going up and away from him and at the left side they start dropping down. The second photo is

4. In the first photo the color of the mango is brighter which is making it power over and be clearly visible against the background. The second photo I chose to mask that area of the photo because it was all the same color and the food was the main vocal point of the photo.

5. In the first photo I chose to use the smaller lens, and value for the background. The second photo I used the same lens, and also used value for the background.

6. I would say pick something that pops out and is clear that it is the main vocal point of the photo.


henrygri26 • November 8, 2023

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